English: In Fræðslunet Suðurland you find Icelandic courses and many other study offer.
Employers are encouraged to familiarize themselves with what is available to foreign workers and see what study offers above might be suitable for their people.
Á Fræðsluneti Suðurlands finnur þú íslenskunámskeið fyrir útlendinga, ýmis námskeið, raunfærimat og fleira.
Atvinnurekendur eru hvattir til að kynna sér hvað er í boði fyrir erlent starfsfólk og skoða hvað af þessu sem hér er bent á gæti hentað þeirra starfsfólki.
Hér eru nokkrar ábendingar til vinnuveitenda um hvað er hægt að gera til að aðstoða starfsmenn við íslenskunámið. Sjá skjal
Would you like to learn Icelandic by yourself on the Internet?
Here are 56 videos, 1 - 3 min each Something easy for beginners about basic grammar and vocabulary. Watch and listen. Watch again and write down. Watch the third time and repeat.
Do it again a week later. Feel the difference
Do you want to speak Icelandic? To learn Icelandic, you must acquire Icelandic words and know how to pronounce them correctly. Our free online lessons are tailored to help you learn Icelandic effectively. In addition, our voice recording feature allows you to listen to your pronunciation, providing instant feedback to help you improve your Icelandic.
The web Velkominn is Online and Free. There are lot of useful icelandic sentences, you can read or listen how to pronounce. Translated in many language.
The University of Iceland has made Icelandiconline.com a very good web for beginners to learn Icelandic. The web is Interactive. Open for everyone and Free.
DROPS Which language do you want to learn and what word capulary do you need? Free or paid, you choose.